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Urinary Tract Function


Infections of the lower urinary tract are common occurrences in young adults especially young women, during pregnancy, and in peri  and postmenopausal women. 
Urinary tract infections affect up to half of all women over the course of a lifetime and are responsible for eight million doctor visits each year.


But there is a great discovery that has come from the cranberry juice urinary tract connection. The active ingredient in cranberry  & D-mannose & vitamin C responsible for its benefit to your urinary system has been identified and isolated and that is the Urinexen!

 Serving Size

D-mannose.A Synergistic Combination:

D-Mannose is a simple carbohydrate , on the other hand acts by acidifying the urine and also by reducing bacterial adhesion to the urinary tract wall. D-mannose and cranberry extract provide a natural, simple solution with no known side effects.

D-Mannose:An Example of a Healthful Sugar
D-Mannose  It’s a naturally occurring sugar, closely related to glucose and you even produce it in your body. And very importantly, it does NOT produce the metabolic stresses that fructose does because it’s more like glucose, which every cell in your body is designed to use.

Your body absorbs D-mannose much more slowly than glucose, and the D-mannose does not convert to glycogen or get stored in your liver. Only very small amounts of D-mannose are metabolized, so it doesn’t interfere with blood sugar regulation.

Most of the D-mannose is filtered through your kidneys and routed to your bladder, then quickly excreted in your urine.






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